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TCEC (Top Chess Engine Championship) is a computer chess tournament organized and maintained by Chessdom at https://tcec-chess.com/. This page documents Leela configuration in each of the “seasons” of this tournament.

Season 26

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.31-dag-5350a2e BT4-6147500 2/2 43.0/100
DivP v0.31-dag-5350a2e BT4-6147500 2/8 36.5/56

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                                 :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish dev-20240513-e608eab8        :      49     49    97.5   31   52   17     100      52.0
   2 LCZero 0.31-dag-5350a2e-BT4-6147500    :       0   ----     ---   17   52   31     100      52.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website: https://tcec-chess.com/#div=sf&game=1&season=26

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 2x A100-PCIE-40GB + 2x Xeon 6230R (52 cores/104 threads)
  • Parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,(gpu=0,policy_head=optimistic,value_head=winner),(gpu=1,policy_head=optimistic,value_head=winner)
    • MinibatchSize=160
    • CPuct=2.897
    • CPuctFactor=3.973
    • CPuctBase=45669
    • FpuValue=0.984
    • PolicyTemperature=1.4
    • UseUncertaintyWeighting=true
    • UncertaintyWeightingCap=1.03
    • UncertaintyWeightingCoefficient=0.13
    • UncertaintyWeightingExponent=-1.76
    • SmartPruningFactor=2.0
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=300
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.0027
    • MovesLeftThreshold=0.8
    • TimeManager=legacy(book-ply-bonus=0.4,first-move-bonus=3.5)
    • Contempt=0
    • WDLDrawRateReference=0.64
    • WDLContemptAttenuation=0.55
    • WDLEvalObjectivity=0
    • WDLCalibrationElo=3600
    • MoveRuleBucketing=true
    • TaskWorkers=3
    • RamLimitMb=94500

Season 25

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.31-dag-e429eeb BT3-2790000 2/2 48.0/100
DivP Playoff v0.31-dag-5107404 T2-5230000 1/4 14.5/24
DivP v0.31-dag-5107404 T2-5230000 2/8 53.5/84

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                                 :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish dev-20231010-00263636        :      14     49    71.3   27   50   23     100      50.0
   2 LCZero 0.31-dag-e429eeb-BT3-2790000    :       0   ----     ---   23   50   27     100      50.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website: https://tcec-chess.com/#div=sf&game=1&season=25

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 2x A100-PCIE-40GB + 2x Xeon 6230R (52 cores/104 threads)
  • Parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,(gpu=0,policy_head=optimistic,value_head=winner),(gpu=1,policy_head=optimistic,value_head=winner),multi_stream=true,threads=2
    • MinibatchSize=216
    • CPuct=2.897
    • CPuctFactor=3.973
    • CPuctBase=45669
    • FpuValue=0.984
    • PolicyTemperature=1.4
    • UncertaintyWeightingCap=1.03
    • UncertaintyWeightingCoefficient=0.13
    • UncertaintyWeightingExponent=-0.88
    • SmartPruningFactor=2.0
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=300
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.0027
    • MovesLeftThreshold=0.8
    • TimeManager=legacy(book-ply-bonus=0.4)
    • Contempt=0
    • WDLDrawRateReference=0.61
    • WDLContemptAttenuation=0.6
    • WDLEvalObjectivity=0
    • WDLCalibrationElo=3392
    • MoveRuleBucketing=true
    • TaskWorkers=3
    • RamLimitMb=94500

Season 24

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.30-dag-a9b25c2b BT2-3650000 2/2 48.0/100
DivP Playoff v0.30-dag-8092b376 BT2-3650000 2/4 14.0/24
DivP v0.30-dag-8092b376 BT2-3650000 2/8 37.0/56

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                                  :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish dev-20230409-b36d39de         :      14     49    71.3   20   64   16     100      64.0
   2 LCZero 0.30-dag-a9b25c2b-BT2-3650000    :       0   ----     ---   16   64   20     100      64.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website: https://tcec-chess.com/#div=sf&game=1&season=24

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 2x A100-PCIE-40GB + 2x Xeon 6230R (52 cores/104 threads)
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,(gpu=0),(gpu=1)
    • MinibatchSize=216
    • CPuct=2.242
    • CPuctFactor=3.973
    • CPuctBase=45669
    • FpuValue=0.583
    • PolicyTemperature=1.406
    • SmartPruningFactor=2.0
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=300
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.0027
    • MovesLeftThreshold=0.8
    • TimeManager=legacy(book-ply-bonus=0.4)
    • TaskWorkers=3
    • WDLDrawRateReference=0.58
    • WDLContemptAttenuation=0.6
    • WDLEvalObjectivity=0
    • WDLCalibrationElo=3600
    • RamLimitMb=94500
  • Added/Changed for Superfinal:
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,(gpu=0),(gpu=1),multi_stream=true,threads=2
    • Contempt=0
    • ScoreType=WDL_mu

Season 23

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.30-dag-9a9c42d 784968 2/2 41.5/100
DivP v0.30-dag-bord-lf 784968 2/8 35.5/56

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                            :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish dev16_20221027          :      60     42    99.7   27   63   10     100      63.0
   2 LCZero 0.30-dag-9a9c42d_784968    :       0   ----     ---   10   63   27     100      63.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website: https://tcec-chess.com/#div=sf&game=1&season=23

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 2x A100-PCIE-40GB + 2x Xeon 6230R (52 cores/104 threads)
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,(gpu=0),(gpu=1)
    • MinibatchSize=192
    • MaxPrefetch=37
    • CPuct=1.589
    • CPuctFactor=3.973
    • CPuctBase=45669
    • FpuValue=0.2643
    • PolicyTemperature=1.179
    • SmartPruningFactor=2.0
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=300
    • RamLimitMb=94500

Season 22

Division Executable Network Placement Result
DivP v0.29-dev+ 781561 3/8 34/56

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 2x A100-PCIE-40GB + 2x Xeon 6230R (52 cores/104 threads)
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,multi_stream=true,threads=2,(gpu=0),(gpu=1)
    • NNCacheSize=50000000
    • MinibatchSize=384
    • MaxPrefetch=37
    • CPuct=1.939
    • CPuctFactor=3.973
    • CPuctBase=45669
    • FpuValue=0.3229
    • PolicyTemperature=1.156
    • SmartPruningFactor=2.0
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=300
    • TimeManager=legacy
    • RamLimitMb=96000

Season 21

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.28-dev+ 69626 2/2 44/100
DivP v0.28.0-rc1 69146 2/8 36.5/56

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                       :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish 14_202107131735    :      42     35    99.1   19   74    7     100      74.0
   2 LCZero 0.28-dev+_69626       :       0   ----     ---    7   74   19     100      74.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website: https://tcec-chess.com/#div=sf&game=1&season=21

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 4x V100 + Xeon 8163 CPU @ 2.50GHz, 32 vcores
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,res_block_fusing=true,(gpu=0),(gpu=1),(gpu=2),(gpu=3)
    • NNCacheSize=50000000
    • MinibatchSize=896
    • MaxPrefetch=160
    • SmartPruningQEffect=0.2
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=300
    • MovesLeftMaxEffect=0.1
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.0088
    • TimeManager=smooth(midpoint=45.2,steepness=5.93,init-tree-reuse=0.52,max-tree-reuse=0.73,tree-reuse-update-rate=3.39,nps-update-rate=7.82,init-timeuse=0.7,min-timeuse=0.34,timeuse-update-rate=5.51,max-move-budget=0.42,init-piggybank=0.09,per-move-piggybank=0.12,max-piggybank-use=0.94,max-piggybank-moves=36.5)
    • DrawScoreSideToMove=-11
    • DrawScoreOpponent=5
    • RamLimitMb=48000
  • Added/Changed for Superfinal:
    • NNCacheSize=50000000
    • MovesLeftMaxEffect=0.02
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.002
    • RamLimitMb=96000
  • Removed for Superfinal:
    • TimeManager=smooth(nps-update-rate=7.82)
    • DrawScoreSideToMove=-11
    • DrawScoreOpponent=5

Season 20

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.27.0-dev PR1483 J94-100 2/2 47/100
DivP v0.26.3 66740 1/8 38/56

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                                      :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish 20210113                          :      21     33    89.6   14   78    8     100      78.0
   2 LCZero 0.27.0d-Tilps-dje-magic_JH.94-100    :       0   ----     ---    8   78   14     100      78.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website: https://tcec-chess.com/#div=sf&game=1&season=20

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 4x V100 + Xeon 8163 CPU @ 2.50GHz, 32 vcores
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cuda-fp16,res_block_fusing=true,(gpu=0),(gpu=1),(gpu=2),(gpu=3)
    • NNCacheSize=20000000
    • MinibatchSize=320
    • MaxPrefetch=160
    • MaxCollisionEvents=917
    • MaxOutOfOrderEvalsFactor=2.4
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=300
    • RootHasOwnCpuctParams=false
    • CPuct=1.745
    • CPuctBase=38739
    • FpuValue=0.330
    • CPuctFactor=3.894
    • PolicyTemperature=1.359
    • MovesLeftMaxEffect=0.2
    • MovesLeftThreshold=0.0
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.004
    • MovesLeftQuadraticFactor=0.0
    • MovesLeftScaledFactor=1.0
    • TimeManager=legacy(steepness=4.0)
  • Added/Changed for Superfinal:
    • NNCacheSize=50000000
    • RamLimitMb=96000

Season 19

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.26.3-rc1 J92-190 2/2 45.5/100
DivP v0.26.2-rc1 J92-100 2/8 32.5/56

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                                    :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish 202009282242_nn-baeb9ef2d183    :      32     36    95.8   18   73    9     100      73.0
   2 LCZero v0.26.3-rc1_T60.SV.JH.92-190       :       0   ----     ---    9   73   18     100      73.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website: https://tcec-chess.com/#div=sf&game=1&season=19

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 4x V100 + Xeon 8163 CPU @ 2.50GHz, 32 vcores
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cudnn-fp16,custom_winograd=true,(gpu=0),(gpu=1),(gpu=2),(gpu=3)
    • NNCacheSize=20000000
    • MinibatchSize=320
    • MaxPrefetch=160
    • MaxCollisionEvents=917
    • MaxOutOfOrderEvalsFactor=2.4
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=600
    • MovesLeftMaxEffect=0.2
    • MovesLeftThreshold=0.862976
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.0004
  • Added/Changed for Superfinal:
    • BackendOptions=backend=cudnn-fp16,custom_winograd=true,res_block_fusing=true,(gpu=0),(gpu=1),(gpu=2),(gpu=3)
    • MovesLeftThreshold=0.0
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.004
    • MovesLeftQuadraticFactor=0.0
    • MovesLeftScaledFactor=1.0

Season 18

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.25.1 svjio-t60-3972-mlh 2/2 46.5/100
DivP v0.25.1 sv-t60-3010 2/8 24.5/42

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                               :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 Stockfish 202006170741               :      25     43    86.7   23   61   16     100      61.0
   2 LCZero v0.25.1-svjio-t60-3972-mlh    :       0   ----     ---   16   61   23     100      61.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website: https://tcec-chess.com/#div=sf&game=1&season=18

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 4x V100 + Xeon 8163 CPU @ 2.50GHz, 32 vcores
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • StrictTiming=true
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cudnn-fp16,custom_winograd=true,(gpu=0),(gpu=1),(gpu=2),(gpu=3)
    • NNCacheSize=20000000
    • MinibatchSize=320
    • MaxPrefetch=160
    • MaxCollisionEvents=917
    • MaxOutOfOrderEvalsFactor=2.4
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=600
  • Added for Superfinal:
    • MovesLeftMaxEffect=0.2
    • MovesLeftThreshold=0.0
    • MovesLeftSlope=0.007
    • MovesLeftQuadraticFactor=0.0
    • MovesLeftScaledFactor=1.0
    • MovesLeftConstantFactor=0.0

Season 17

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Superfinal v0.24 sv-t60-3010 1/2 52.5/100
DivP v0.24 sv-t60-3010 1/10 22/36

Superfinal Results:

   # ENGINE                      :  RATING  ERROR  CFS(%)    W    D    L   GAMES  DRAWS(%)
   1 LCZero v0.24-sv-t60-3010    :       0   ----    81.8   17   71   12     100      71.0
   2 Stockfish 20200407DC        :     -18     38     ---   12   71   17     100      71.0

Games and additional data on TCEC website: https://tcec-chess.com/#div=sf&game=1&season=17

LC0 hardware and settings (Superfinal):

  • Hardware: 4 x NVIDIA RTX 2080 ti + 2x Intel Xeon E5-2630V4 2.2 GHz (20 cores / 40 ht)
  • Non-default parameter settings:
    • MoveOverheadMs=1000
    • Backend=demux
    • BackendOptions=backend=cudnn-fp16,(gpu=0),(gpu=1),(gpu=2),(gpu=3)
    • NNCacheSize=20000000
    • MinibatchSize=352
    • MaxPrefetch=160
    • CPuct=2.147
    • CPuctAtRoot=2.147
    • CPuctBase=18368
    • FpuValue=0.443
    • CPuctFactor=2.815
    • PolicyTemperature=1.607
    • MaxCollisionEvents=160
    • MaxOutOfOrderEvalsFactor=2.0
    • SmartPruningMinimumBatches=160
  • Added for Superfinal:
    • MinibatchSize=176
    • MaxCollisionEvents=917
    • MaxOutOfOrderEvalsFactor=2.4

Season 13

Division Executable Network Placement Result
Div4 lc0 “v0.16.1” (b1301aa9) 10161 1st place 22.0/28
Div3 lc0 “v0.16.1” (b1301aa9) 10520 3rd place 16.0/28
  • Hardware: TCEC GPU server has 2x GTX 1080 ti. Full specs here
  • Command line: lc0 -w 10161 -t 4 --minibatch-size=512 --backend=multiplexing "--backend-opts=(backend=cudnn,gpu=0),(backend=cudnn,gpu=1)" --nncache=2000000 -l lc0debug.txt
  • UCI: Move time overhead in milliseconds=2000
    • Div3 added: Time weight curve peak ply=37; Aggressive smart pruning threshold=0.604; Scale thinking time=3.05;

TCEC “v0.16.1” binary from appveyor

[[TCEC S13 issues]]

Bonus games 7-10-2018

  • Net IDs: kb3 and id481
  • Hardware: TheAnswer volunteered 2x1080 ti via ssh access.
  • Command line: ./lc0 -w [kb3|id481] --backend=multiplexing '--backend-opts=a(backend=cudnn,threads=2,gpu=0),b(backend=cudnn,threads=2,gpu=1)' -t 4 (kb1 and default respectively with increased move overhead to help with latency).

Season 12

  • Versions
    • Div4: lczero v0.10, ID125 - +0 -25 =2 (and 1 win by forfeit)
  • Hardware: TCEC CPU server 2 x 8 core Intel Xeon E5-2689 @ 3300 MHz
  • Command line: lczero -w id125 ....?
Last Updated: 2024-06-08