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Neural network topology

The Leela Chess Zero’s neural network is largely based on the DeepMind’s AlphaGo Zero1 and AlphaZero2 architecture. There are however some changes.

Network topology

The core of the network is a residual tower with Squeeze and Excitation3 (SE) layers.
The number of the residual BLOCKS and FILTERS (channels) per block differs between networks. Typical values for BLOCKS×FILTERS are 10×128, 20×256, 24×320.
SE layers have SE_CHANNELS channels (typically 32 or so).

Input to the neural network is 112 planes 8×8 each.

The network consists of a “body” (residual tower) and several output “heads” attached to it.

All convolution layers also include bias layers.

Fully connected layer is MatMul plus adding Bias on top.


  • Input convolution: from 112×8×8 to FILTERS×8×8.
  • Residual tower consisting of BLOCKS blocks:
    • Convolution from FILTERS×8×8 to FILTERS×8×8.
    • Convolution from FILTERS×8×8 to FILTERS×8×8.
    • SE layer (only in network type NETWORK_SE_WITH_HEADFORMAT [current]), i.e.:
      • Global average pooling layer (FILTERS×8×8 to FILTERS)
      • Fully connected layer (FILTERS to SE_CHANNELS)
      • ReLU
      • Fully connected layer (SE_CHANNELS to 2×FILTERS).
      • FILTERS is split into two FILTERS sized vectors W and B
      • Z = Sigmoid(W)
      • Output of the SE layer is (Z × input) + B.
    • Adding the residual tower skip connection.
    • ReLU activation function.

All convolutions have kernel size 3×3 and stride 1.
Batch normalization is already folded into weights, so there’s no need to do any normalization during the inference.

Policy head

Format: POLICY_CONVOLUTION [current]

  • Convolution from FILTERS×8×8 to FILTERS×8×8.
  • Convolution from FILTERS×8×8 to 80×8×8.
  • The vector of length 1858 is gathered from the 80×8×8 matrix using this mapping (only 73×8×8 is actually used, the rest is for padding).
  • (note there is no activation function on the output)


POLICY_CONV_SIZE is a parameter.

  • Convolution from FILTERS×8×8 to POLICY_CONV_SIZE×8×8
  • Fully connected from POLICY_CONV_SIZE×8×8 to a vector of length 1858
  • (note there is no activation function on the output)

Value head

Common part

  • Convolution from FILTERS×8×8 to 32×8×8
  • Convolution from 32×8×8 to the vector of length 128
  • ReLU

Format: VALUE_WDL [current]

  • Fully connected from vector of length 128 to the vector of length 3
  • Softmax


  • Fully connected from vector of length 128 to a scalar
  • Tanh

Moves left head

MLH_CHANNELS and FC_SIZE are parameters.

  • Convolution from FILTERS×8×8 to MLH_CHANNELS×8×8.
  • Fully connected from MLH_CHANNELS×8×8 to a vector of size FC_SIZE.
  • ReLU
  • Fully connected from a vector of size FC_SIZE to a scalar
  • ReLU
Last Updated: 2020-11-29